A New Year

More posts coming soon, lots of projects in progress, check back often. You can follow me on Facebook. I will link up there with updates.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bamboo Flooring

I am working on replacing the carpet in the my Great Room and decided to go with wood flooring. I have always liked the look of Bamboo because of the fine grain, but the light tones usually associated with Bamboo does not fit my personal Design Style. I prefer medium to dark tones to ground an interior. Also I prefer a wider plank. I was happily surprised at some of the options I found and decided to go with this:

FYI- Bamboo is an attractive alternative for flooring because of its physical similarities to hardwoods. Bamboo floor manufacturers and sellers promote its strength, durability as well as resistance to moisture while having the added benefit of being eco friendly.

Compared to wood it grows much faster because bamboo is a grass not a wood. Moso Bamboo is the primary species used for the manufacturing of flooring and plywood. Moso bamboo can grow up to 47 inches in 24 hours and 78½ feet high in 40 to 50 days. It takes about 3–5 years for bamboo to reach full maturity. Traditional hard woods can take 20 – 120 years to mature.

Bamboo can be harvested without the need to replant because the root system is left intact when it is harvested. Bamboo reaches maturity in five years which is the optimal age to harvest. In a sustainably harvested forest only 20% of the forest is harvested annually allowing for 100% harvest in a five year period. In its natural environment it will need no irrigation, no pesticides, and no fertilizer. Bamboo can sequester up to 70% more carbon per year than a hardwood forest. All these factors keep the carbon footprint low.

I will be posting about the project as it unfolds.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Shell Decor

You may remember this ladder from a previous post about the Holidays, it has been sitting empty for 2 weeks waiting for the Inspiration Muse to visit.
This weekend I started working on a Beach themed Bridal Shower and began collecting different elements from the storage area in the studio. While I was collecting shells, fish net, etc. I would walk by the ladder and I had a Light Bulb Moment.
I like how it came together. Of course I have to use some of the decor for the party but now I have a photo record so I know how it goes back together.
I like how it compliments the Shellscape that my Gran made back in the 1960's. Shellscapes were all the rage during the Mad Men era.
I am sharing this on Funky Junk Interiors.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Holiday Party

The entrance to the Dining Room and the Magical ambiance set by the pale blue and silver decor.

The Buffet setup and waiting for all the delicious food.

Closeup of the 5 foot Wreath that anchored the decor in the Dining Room.

A cozy fire highlites the decor in the Study.

Closeup of one of the Fresh Florals inspired by a Yule Log.