A New Year

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Marigold Mumsy Gold

Beginning in late spring and continuing through summer and into fall, Mumsy is a tireless bloomer, setting giant 4-inch double blooms with a flattish pompon shape. Mumsy reaches about 14 inches high and 8 inches wide, it makes a good container choice, offering a lot of color in very little, bright and sunny space.

Clematis "Princess Diana"

The dainty, upright blooms are shaped like Tulips, with a soft pink-to-white base and a rich darker pink stripe distinguishing every blossom. Abundantly borne on neat little vines, they blanket the garden first in mid- to late summer, then return for an encore in fall. This vine grows just 8 feet tall and wide in sunny to partly shaded soil. Like most Clematis, it prefers an eastern exposure and rich, moist soil. Mulch around the base of the plant to keep the roots cool. Hardy zones 3-9.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Garden Phlox "Robert Poore"

This giant among the garden phlox varieties, with its fragrant, richly colored red-purple flower clusters, is sure to catch your attention when it blooms in mid-summer. Named after Mississippi landscape architect Robert Poore, this is a top-rated phlox for its resistance to powdery mildew, the nemesis of many other paniculata cultivars.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Mardi Gras

Flamboyant blooms in a novel blend of pink, orange, and yellow, and a delightful peppery scent, Mardi Gras creates a festive atmosphere in any setting. The colorful blooms are perfectly framed with dark green, semi-glossy foliage, and its upright columnar habit makes Mardi Gras an ideal rose to use as a hedge or in a border with mixed perennials.
Location: Full Sun
Height:4 feet

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Geranium Elke

Very long-blooming, beginning in spring, lasting through the worst summer heat, and continuing into fall, also far more tolerant of heat, cold, and even drought than most other hardy geraniums. Charming pink-toned blooms and red autumn foliage, gives you a carefree, colorful, long-lived ground cover.

Location: Sun or Part Shade
Height:10 inches

Ajuga 'Golden Glow'

Everyone has a burgundy ajuga but this new variety has gold- and cream-variegated foliage.
Location: Sun or Shade
Height: 6-8 inches