A New Year

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Thursday, April 17, 2008


The first seasonal strawberries appear in our markets and shops in April. The fruit we know today has evolved from the wild or alpine strawberry, which can still be found in grassy woodlands all over Europe. You can experience their delicate flavour in wild strawberry jam which is available from specialist shops. Cultivated strawberries come in many varieties and in all shapes and sizes. Look for fruit that is firm and unblemished and go for smaller fruits, because larger ones, although they may may look like more of a treat, are often watery. Supermarkets will often stock only one or two varieties but if you venture out and find a pick-your-own farm you should get wider choice and more fruit for your money.Adding balsamic vinegar to the strawberries does wonders for the flavor and produces delicious juices.
1 pint box strawberries
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
Hull and slice the strawberries and combine them with the sugar and balsamic vinegar. Leave for 1 hour before serving.

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